What Happens to Your RRSP at Age 71?

In the past, most Canadians relied heavily on employer pension plans and government pension plans to provide a source of income in retirement. These days, many employers no longer offer pension plans, and individuals frequently change careers and employers. As such, the Registered Retirement Savings Plan, or RRSP, has become one of the most common retirement savings plans in Canada. […]

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Self-Employment: What about CPP and EI?

There are many issues to consider when contemplating the decision to become self-employed. Your access to government programs, including Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI), are important considerations for anyone moving to a self-employment structure. Let’s take a quick look at both CPP and EI, and highlight the key differences for employees and self-employed individuals. Canada Pension Plan […]

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Tax Trap! Avoid the Superficial Loss Rules

In our last post, we discussed in-kind contributions. Many investors, who are otherwise unable to make a TFSA and RRSP contributions, may be able to contribute existing non-registered investments to their RRSP accounts, thereby getting a tax deduction in the process. However, it’s important to be careful of a couple of potential tax traps when making in-kind contributions – superficial […]

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