Market Update for August 2018
August was a negative month for most global equity markets, with the exception of the US. The latest report on active managers showed the underperformance continues.
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August was a negative month for most global equity markets, with the exception of the US. The latest report on active managers showed the underperformance continues.
June was a good month for North American stocks, while international markets struggled. Bonds and REITS performed well.
Question. I currently have a pre-authorized contribution (PAC) set up for my investment account, and contribute $500 on the 1st of each month. I’ve never had a problem with this in the past, but I’ve changed jobs recently, and it’s becoming a problem now. The problem is that I’m a commission-based real estate sales agent, and my income fluctuates considerably […]
Question. I’ve been working with the same employer for about 7 years, and I’m a member of the company pension plan. A few weeks ago I applied for a position at another firm, and was just recently offered the new job. It’s a significant increase in pay and seems like a great position, so I intend to move forward with […]
May was a good month for stocks, both in Canada and most international markets. Bonds also performed well. Meanwhile, at the other end of the risk spectrum, the first leveraged marijuana ETF has been launched.
April was a good month for Canadian and European stocks helping to offset declines in bond markets.
Question. Hi, I filed my taxes a little while ago, and just recently received my tax refund. It’s significantly more than expected, and I’m wondering if you have any suggestions on what I should do? I want to enjoy some of it, because I feel like it’s “free money” that wasn’t previously accounted for in my budget. But I also […]
March was another down month for most markets. Bonds and REITs helped to provide some relief for investors.