All posts for Investing

Investment Trap: Home Bias

Question. I’m nervous about investing in other countries – especially the US. Every time I turn on the news it feels like something crazy is going on with the stock markets in the US. Last year, I felt like my portfolio was on a roller coaster ride. I’m wondering if I should just keep my investments in Canada instead… Would […]

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New TFSA Limit!

Question. Hi, I’ve heard that the TFSA limit has been increased. Does this mean I can put in $6,000 this year? And is the deadline the same as the RRSP deadline? Do you have any advice or suggestions to help me better understand how this works? Answer. You are correct – the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit for 2019 […]

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Group Life Insurance: Are You Covered?

Are You Covered? Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Life Insurance Question. My partner and I have been thinking about life insurance recently. We have a young child, and are considering a house soon for our growing family. A friend of ours told us it’s really important that we get some life insurance to protect ourselves. But I already have […]

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