Should You Have a Spousal RRSP?

A spousal RRSP is not just for retirement planning – it can also be a great tax planning tool. Given the high level of taxation in Canada, tax savings should always be a priority for Canadian investors. Proper tax planning involves making the most of any potential tax savings strategies available to you. First and foremost, although the official terminology […]

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2018 Year End Tax Tips

Question: Using a software package, I file my own taxes each year without the help of an accountant or other tax professional. I’m wondering if you have any advice for me, and if you can give me any tips? I’d like to make sure I’m being smart about taxes and taking advantage of any year end tax-saving strategies available to […]

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Let’s Make it Personal

Question. Hi, I have an RRSP and a TFSA, and have been working with the same financial advisor for about 10 years. To be honest, I don’t really feel like he’s doing much for me, so I’m wondering what my options are. I’m interested in ModernAdvisor, and your low-cost portfolios look great, but I also value a dedicated advisory relationship. […]

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