Get your first 10K managed for free

At ModernAdvisor, our goal is to help you meet your goals faster. And while we pride ourselves on offering professional investment management at a very low cost, we wanted to make it even easier to choose us to manage your investments. That’s why we’ve decided to eliminate management fees altogether if your total invested with us is 10K or less. […]

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Fees, Facts, and Fiction

According to renowned investment consultant, Charles Ellis, investors innocently describe mutual fund fees with one four-letter word and one number – both word and number are wrong. The word is “only,” and the number is often “1%.” So, when referring to mutual fund fees, we end up with statements like “It’s only 1%.” That may be true in the United […]

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Understanding Investment Fees

Investment fees are a hot topic these days.  Up until recently the investment industry has done a poor job of disclosing their fees, and have assumed that their clients will read the materials they received on the funds they are sold.  This lack of transparency allowed some firms to charge outrageously high fees for their services with their clients often […]

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What are Exchange Traded Funds?

We recently conducted a survey to, amongst other things, gauge the level of awareness of people about Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The results were surprising. Exchange Traded Funds have been around for more than two decades and have been getting plenty of coverage in the financial media lately. Yet, 42% of our respondents said they don’t know what Exchange Traded Funds […]

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A Better Investment Strategy: Don’t Let Emotions Hurt Your Investments

Investing is a very emotional affair for most. People often run for the door and sell their investments when prices are plunging; and usually rush back in as prices soar to participate in the rally. This behavior results in buying high and selling low. It is certainly not a good investment strategy for making money. Vanguard has a great tool for visualizing […]

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