Forecasting Asset Class Returns

What sort of returns can I expect from my investments? This is a question that everyone wants to know the answer to before they invest. Whether you are investing for retirement, investing for your child’s education or just investing for a rainy day, having a realistic idea of what your investments may return is important. If high expected returns are […]

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What Are the Benefits of Working with a Portfolio Manager?

Usually only investors with large accounts, such as those over $500,000 or $1 million, can get access to a Portfolio Manager.  If that doesn’t include you, there are financial advisors available at banks or mutual fund companies you can work with. Online investment advisors, like ModernAdvisor, were created to bring the service and expertise of Portfolio Managers to smaller investors. […]

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Where to Put Your Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund means that you don’t need to rely on credit cards or other loans when an unexpected bill or unemployment happens. Where should I put my emergency fund? So you have saved up 3-6 months of living expenses as an emergency fund. Your emergency fund should be: easily accessible liquid unlikely to lose value You don’t want […]

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Canadian ETFs and Dividend Investing

Canadian ETFs that pay dividends We get asked about Canadian ETFs quite often, especially those that pay dividends. Just like investing in individual stocks that pay dividends (especially those that have a history of growing their dividends), this approach is getting more popular all the time.   How do dividends work and what are your options? The return on a stock is composed […]

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